
5 ways to prevent the flu

It’s winter season and you know what that means, everyone’s going down with flu around you. The Flu is the common name influenza which is a virus that attacks the respiratory system with that happening the virus weakens the immune system. When you’re sick with the flu, your body builds up a defense by making antibodies against it. The flu virus spreads through air when a person coughs, sneezes, or speaks. As many other viruses and illnesses the flu can be a lot more deadlier. When you get the flu the lungs are severely harmed from infected cells called macrophages and T-cells. The virus can spread way beyond the lungs but generally do not. Many people catch the flu and think they have the common cold because of some of the same symptoms. But actually the flu can be more dangerous if you don’t treat it immediately.

Here are 5 ways to prevent the flu

  1. Wash your hands properly
  2. Never pick up used tissues
  3. Always cover your mouth or nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze
  4. Stay home when you get sick
  5. Never share cups or utensils with a sick person
  6. Don’t drink cold drinks

Research also says that after 5 days the fever and other symptoms have disappeared but a cough and weakness may continue. Usually all symptoms are gone within a week or two. But its important to treat the flu seriously because it can lead to other viruses such as pneumonia and other life-threatening complications. For the most part it appears in infants, senior citizens, and people with long term health problems. People with the flu may not know but they are actually contagious from a day before they feel sick. It would usually be one week for adults and two weeks for young kids.


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