
7 things mentally strong people always say

To be in a good mental state you need to avoid bad things and habit,  but it’s sometimes the words people say that are the strongest indicators of strength.

But some time words also push you into dark place. We often have no idea what private battles someone is fighting. We can, however, learn a lot about them based on the words they say, and whether their behaviour lines up.

Here are seven things mentally strong people always say:

1: Consider whether that’s right for me: 

Whether they’re offered unsolicited advice or starting a self-improvement program, mentally strong people don’t blindly follow advice from others. Instead, they think about whether the guidance offered is something they really want to incorporate into their lives.

2: Need to make sure this aligns with their values: 

It can be tempting to leap at any opportunity that provides more money, admiration or power. But mentally strong people aren’t looking to inflate their egos. Before taking on a new responsibility or making a major shift, they examine whether their new circumstances are truly in line with their values. They want to ensure that the way they spend their time and energy truly reflects their priorities.

3: They listen:

Mentally strong people are willing to listen. Rather than tuning others out to form their rebuttal, they invite others to keep talking so they can better understand their views. That’s not to say they don’t set boundaries. They don’t tolerate abuse, but they’re willing to listen to respectful conversation even when the words might sting a little.

4: This will be hard, but I’m going to do it anyway:

You’ll never catch a mentally strong person complaining about how hard something is going to be. Rather than wishing life were easier, they put their energy and effort into making sure they’re strong enough to tackle tough challenges. They also know how to embrace being uncomfortable. They’re willing to tolerate the self-doubt, anxiety and potential failures that comes with doing hard things.

5: Don’t apologize profusely for everything:

Toxic self-blame is quite detrimental, and mentally strong people don’t apologize profusely for everything. They do, however, take responsibility for their behaviour. Toxic self-blame is quite detrimental, and mentally strong people don’t apologize profusely for everything. They do, however, take responsibility for their behaviour.

6: No thank you: 

Mentally strong people don’t fall prey to guilt trips. They also don’t yield to peer pressure and are willing to say no to things they don’t want to do. The more things they say no to, the more time and energy they have to put toward things they want to work on. They’re confident enough in their decisions to tolerate other people’s displeasure.

7: Try to improve:

Mentally strong people are willing to admit they don’t have all the answers because they know there’s always room for improvement. When they fail or make a mistake, they acknowledge their weaknesses and stay focused on how they can improve.

Dedication and practice, you can develop the strength you need to reach your greatest potential. And you can improve your mental health.

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