Sadia Jabbar Productions’ new web series Shameless Proposals has spread fire to the digital world with its brilliant take on arranged marriages in the desi society. The satirical fourth...
Wajahat Rauf’s curiously titled rom-com is about to hit the cinemas this year on Eid-ul-Fitr .The film Chhalawa is directed, written and produced by Wajahat...
Nine-month-old Nishwa, who had suffered irreparable brain damage and became paralysed after she was administered a drug wrongly by nursing staff of Darul Sehat Hospital,...
Prime Minster Imran Khan arrives at Mashhad for brief stop-over before proceeding to Tehran on 2-day official visit to Iran on the invitation of President...
COLOMBO: A string of blasts ripped through high-end hotels and churches holding Easter services in Sri Lanka on Sunday, killing at least 185 people, including...