
A Guide to combat the made up Myths and regrow yourself

“I found I was more confident when I stopped trying to be someone else’s definition of beautiful and started being my own”-Remington Miller

We often worry about some myths made up by people and try to take it over us. All that it does is breaks the self-confidence and makes you rely on others perceptions and you don’t trust what you think or believe. People have a habit of pinpointing things for you according to their ways and the results of it make you just feel negatively conscious about yourself.

We start preferring and valuing what others think of us just because of the remarks we get from the people. The point is why depending on anybody else becomes valuable when you know you have the potential of mastering yourself?  Stop caring about the myths made up by people be it of beauty, confidence or any activity you try to do. Build up a bridge and stop worrying about the stereotyped world we are living in.

The perfect example is when you dress up and you get fishy remarks from someone you try to cope up with that but all that time your mind takes you on reverse back to the negative remark you got earlier which makes you feel conscious about yourself. Here is when the belief starts losing up and shatters your confidence.  Be the definition of your type of beautiful and worthy and forget to worry about what people might think of you.

Give them an answer by not answering them and by simply ignoring and you do you! Little by little you will feel the strengthened confidence coming back once you start unfollowing the made up myths. Be the perfect version of yourself and let your personality reflect that.

Once you prepare to work on this you will realize the feeling of contentment bubbling up within you and this will make you grow and bloom. Trust the process and faith and you know you can do better!

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