Why do we care about other’s opinions? Why does it matter to us ? Humans have a special power when they express their ideas or thoughts. This special power is so great that humans do not need a cape or mask, but instead must use their minds to activate it. That power which they possess is called an opinion. An opinion is not only what a person thinks, but it is also a judgement or belief. In a democratic society, all opinions are valuable. Sometimes, one person’s opinion could change another person’s understanding. Change can occur due to what a person believes or thinks. Opinions and inputs bring about many great ideas and inventions such as theories, formulas, and recipes. Most people have some doubts about themselves in life. They think: Am I pretty enough, or smart enough, or cool enough? but none of that really matters unless you allow it to. The opinion of others is important to some extent. You want to present yourself in a way that will make others think highly of you because it can affect you and your life. Some people are so happy with themselves in everything they do that others literally mean nothing to them, but that is not usually the case. Others’ perspectives can change your own.