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Gal Gadot Reveals What to Expect From ‘Wonder Woman 1984’

Gal Gadot has been gearing up for the sequel to her 2017 hit Wonder Woman that cemented her status as a certified Hollywood star. The actor, however, has a list of things she has to keep in check for the coveted role of a female super hero.

Talking to Huffington Post, Gadot revealed details about the upcoming sequel to her hit film. “It’s a whole new journey of Wonder Woman on this film. And I hope and think that it’s going to have a profound effect on people because the movie is very universal,” she said, adding “It is packed with action, love story, new villains and the story is so great. I think there’s an under-layer that’s going to speak to each and every one of us.”

Being Wonder Woman is not just fun, games and bragging rights. A lot of training goes into it, shared Gadot. “It’s months of training and being on a special diet. And of course, at all times drinking lots of water, because especially when you’re training it’s a must for the muscles as well. We do a lot of gym strengthening work and a lot of stunt and choreography workouts,” she disclosed.

The mother-of-two also revealed that she does most of her own stunts despite having two stunt women on set with her“I have two stunt girls who I love and are amazing and they should have their credits as well, but I do most of it,” she said.

She went on to share how the team shot most of the stunts on location instead of in a studio with a green screen. “We made sure to shoot as much as we can for real and on location. And it’s been very complicated and very lengthy and demanding, but it was so worth it,” said Gadot.

Wonder Woman 1984 is scheduled for a summer 2020 release, and features a female director and producer.

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