
Gas Crisis In Karachi

The Karachi gas crisis has been hit hard by 75% of the region being severely affected by load restrictions during daily meal times. Gas shortages in some areas for three days have led hotels to raise prices to meet increasing demand. Gas bottles and refills are also inaccessible to people for cost reasons. (Ummat). Prior to gas supplies were cut off in various parts of Karachi when the Sui Southern Gas Company (SSGC) was implementing a load management plan. The gas crisis has left the fragile Pakistani economy even more vulnerable as it faces other pandemic-related problems. Consumers in some parts of the metropolis have experienced hours of gas load dumping.
Karachi’s Baldia Town, New Karachi and FB Area are in dire straits due to up to 9 hours of gas being released daily.
In urban areas such as Liari, Keamari, Korangi, and Riaquatabard, gas shut-off times are becoming more commonplace for household customers, forcing people to buy groceries from restaurants to support their families. Domestic consumers suffering shortages as temperatures going down amid a major gas shortfall in the country during the winter season.

Residents of Lyari, Saddar, Kharadar, Keamari, Manzoor Colony, and several other areas complaining that the gas pressure was extremely low or even no gas supply.

The people have no other option but to use gas cylinders which are adding to their household expenses.

Recently the gas utility had refuted a gas load shedding schedule, viral on the social media, and clarified that “If there is any curtailment announcement, it will be from the Ministry of Energy (Petroleum Division).”

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