
Heat Rash Ruining Your Summers? Here Is How You Can Prevent It!

With the monsoon season around, the weather has been quite unpredictable. It has been scorching and humid – continuously changing its mood. One minute, it’s raining, and the other minute it’s incredibly hot. Due to this, many people have been facing heat rashes and other skin problems that have turned into a nuisance. While heat rash isn’t precisely a dangerous thing, it sure is uncomfortable. Don’t worry, people! We know how uncertain the weather has been, that’s why here few tips for you guys to prevent the ugly heat rash and to enjoy the remaining time of the summers:

Take Cold Showers

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You might have been hearing this a lot.
Along with staying hydrated, you must repeatedly take cold showers at least two or three times a day so that your body gets a chance to cool down. The extreme humid weather that we have been seeing is a significant cause to our weird skin. This dry-weird skin and clogged pores are one of the primary reasons for the heat rash. Hence, if you want to stay clean and fresh, TAKE SHOWERS. (Only if it was possible to carry your shower everywhere, but alas, we don’t always get what we wish for)

Discover the Life-Saving Plant

Image result for aloe vera gifI’m pretty sure everyone has this plant somewhere in their house, and they still haven’t been using it in the right way. In case you don’t know what plant I’m talking about, it’s obviously Aloe Vera. It’s a literal lifesaver because it has so many benefits that are waiting for you to reap. Every time you get sunburns, you use Aloe Vera that’s because it contains soothing properties, but it’s also great to use for heat rashes. All you have to do is to take out its natural gel; however, make sure you don’t directly use it on your skin. You can always mix it with other ingredients like yogurt or tomatoes if you feel like being more creative.

Loose Fitting Clothes

Image result for loose clothes gifLooking fashionable is all okay, but if the fashion is killing you, then you have to avoid it. Tight jeans and jeggings might be the new in thing, but they will make your skin really itchy and bad. To prevent that, wear loose clothes just for this season to promote air circulation, and you’re good to go!

Avoid Scratching

Image result for scratching human gifScratching might feel good while your nails are deeply digging in that skin but trust me, you’re just ruining it more. Things that feel good are not always good for us. Avoid scratching at all costs. Even if you’re going crazy with the need to scratch. You should avoid it. Just take a shower like mentioned above or only remain calm and keep motivating yourself. You can do this!

Use a sunscreen with the Right SPF

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Even though the sky is probably dark with black clouds and you can barely spot the sun (ARE THESE EVEN SUMMERS?), carrying a sunscreen is essential. You need to apply it religiously because you don’t want to take any risk with that beautiful skin of yours. Sunscreen is not only protection from the sun, but it’s actually protection from everything hot and filled with toxins like the air.

Don’t let heat rashes ruin your summers and follow the tips as mentioned above religiously. They might sound ordinary, but they do hold a lot of importance, so good luck!

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