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Is Home-schooling different from Online Schooling?

We often confuse home-schooling and online schooling with one another. However, these are different methods of schooling. We will discuss the difference between both of these methods.

In home-schooling, parents educate their children and do not send them at schools which are generally preferred by the public. Parents choose this method of schooling mostly because they don’t trust schools and the quality of education. Parents lead this type of education for their own children and customize the curriculum according to their preferences. So, home-schooling model of educating children allows a parent to become primary educator.

In online schooling, institutes engage their students by interacting with them through different online platforms. These institutes utilize provisional curriculum which can’t be altered by parents. They enhance the learning capabilities of students but don’t introduce them to the values preferred by the parents.

Parents who want their children to learn their values especially religious cultural, and linguistic needs prefer home-schooling for their kids. A portion of parents realize that their kids have special needs for schooling and they choose home-schooling to fulfil those needs. Both methods are fruitful and have respective advantages.

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