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Ladder To Success; Discipline

We usually come across posts that claim “This is what Billionaires do to achieve their goals” and the points that are mentioned below them always have routine or waking up early written in them. But how true is that? Well after a deep research and digging into this topic, I do see that this is something true. I used Billionaires as an example since for most of the people being a billionaire is a goal so it will be relatable for them.

Waking up early, having 7-8 hours of sleep or even consuming proper meals at the right time are things that fall into Discipline. Discipline is what acts as a ladder to a good and a healthy lifestyle. One thing that hustlers and successful people in the world in terms of happiness, money, peaceful family etc. have in common is discipline. One can sleep for hours, wake up late or even eat as much as they want after achieving their goals but it takes a well put person in terms of emotions and desire to be a man of discipline.

Discipline not only brings a sense of responsibility and self-control but it also teaches one to stay consistent and productive at all times. Discipline, is a lifestyle for what I have observed and learnt is the fact that one thing that all kinds of success have in common is consistency and consistency comes from Discipline.

Eesha Sufyan

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