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Ladder to success; Planning

Planning is important in order to get started with anything. Planning gives any idea a shape and brings it into being. Having everything planned makes it easier to execute what is there in one’s mind.

To get started with any idea, planning and brainstorming that goes into it turns it into a stronger plan. A person who jumps right into something without planning is most likely to ‘go with the flow’ because research, background, big idea and execution vehicles are hardly ever present.

Planning being important should be given importance to in order to make a track of why, when and how to achieve what one needs to achieve in order to reach their destination and what the destination is. However, not everything goes according to the plan, some plans are left in the hands of the Mighty above, but one should stay motivated and focused enough to not take it to their heart and go for the plan B to achieve the plan.

Never change the goal, change ways to get to your goal.

Eesha Sufyan

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