
List of 5 things to do for yourself today

If we’re being really honest with ourselves, selfcare has begun to appear like a lot of work, which, by definition, defeats the objective of selfcare. Lighting a candle while doing a mask and drinking Yogi Stress Relief Tea is a Wednesday night ritual for some of us, because you have to un-gunk your face at least twice a week, the candle is for reducing bathroom odours, and the tea is just common sense. Here’s our suggestion: don’t put so much effort into self-care. You don’t have to spend money at the salon or have a special lunch for one – after all, why change out of your PJs?

We hear a lot about being kind and forgiving, and bearing things with a smile, and look where we’ve ended up. Every day, we have to deal with the burden of having to be nice to jerks whose knives are still lodged somewhere in our backs. It’s fine to be upset with individuals, dislike them, or cut them out of your life if all they’ve done or are doing is causing you grief and discomfort (insert shrug emoji).

It doesn’t matter to me if they don’t like it.

Who cares if someone doesn’t think your work, lifestyle, spouse, weight, sense of humour, decisions, or even (insert puke emoji) your French advice are awesome? Not you, you Self-Assured King or Queen!

Make an effort to feed your soul.

Painting, writing a goth anthem, meditating, creating a shrine to honour the new moon, watching vintage flicks, and avoiding Darren Aronofsky films at all costs.

Give your stomach something to eat.

We don’t know what’s going on in your life, but a hot Margherita or fried chicken are the cheapest – and quickest – methods to cheer you.

Watch, scream, then laugh

There’s a lot of research on why the horror genre is popular and why it can, or cannot be detrimental to your health, but we say throw caution to the wind and watch yourself a horror cult classic today. If B-horror is good enough for Sir Peter Jackson, it’s good enough for us!

Unless you are prone to being severely frightened or paranoid, the comedown from horror-induced stressed releases dopamine and serotonin in your brain, which will make you happy, and laugh, if you are so inclined.

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