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Looks like computers are going to be the new lawyers

The world is now being controlled by computers or you can say electronic devices. You can’t skip this reality but devices are now essential part of daily life. Just as we need food and air to live, now we also need devices to survive.

This is harsh to take a look at, but now humans are being replaced my machines/robots/computer what ever you name it. More and more jobs are taken away due to the introduction of technology.

Human getting lazy day by day, where as machines faster. So just like that a new profession has been under target of machines.

Now we don’t need lawyers because we have computers. Due to introduction of artificial intelligence, legal work will be done more easily with less hassle.

It will be used to documents for evidence that will be useful in litigation, to review and create contracts, raise red flags within companies to identify potential fraud and other misconduct or do legal research and perform due diligence before corporate acquisitions.

It is believed that, use of artificial intelligence and computers will be more efficient and money saving and it will be more available for people to afford as lawyer services gets expensive.

This sector of world has not been much developed as law system around the world is being handled by humans, so introduction of artificial intelligence will take some time to properly function.

First bigger firms will try this new change and then will move forward. But this is all about U.S, as we all know Pakistan law system is behind everyone but we hope to see our country also grow in terms of technology.

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