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MMA star ‘Conor McGregor’ announces retirement!

The Irish-star Conor McGregor, has claimed that he is retiring from “Mixed Martial Art” (MMA) after a turbulent 12 months in and out of the octagon.

It is of course a set back for the fans all around the globe. As he has achieved all the fame by his competitive and consistent show of energy in the arena and spectators loved this thing about him.

The 30-year-old star said on Twitter that he has decided to retire from the sports formally known as MMA (Mixed Martial Arts).

He quoted:

“I wish all my old colleagues well going forward in competition”

Recently McGregor was defeated by Russian star Nurmagomedov in a UFC lightweight tittle in October,2018.

McGregor even got arrested recently for robbery charges in Miami, after allegedly stamping on a fan’s mobile phone.

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