Health Lifestyle

Navin Waqar’s fitness routine focuses on fat loss rather than weight loss

Being in your best shape is a lifestyle choice, and actor Navin Waqar seems to have aced at doing it right.

In a recent Instagram post, Waqar revealed her workout routine and diet plan — and how the combination of the two has helped her achieve her body goals.

For starters, Waqar makes it clear that every person has different needs and should pursue a regimen customised to them.

“Everyone has different needs when it comes to working out. My aim is to lower my fat levels. For that I people lift heavy but I’m doing a mix of HITT/Tabata/Circuit training for now. It’s hard but it works.”

By focusing on fat-loss rather than targetting weight-loss, Waqar says it has built her stamina and endurance big time.


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This post is for people who’ve been asking about my workout and diet via DM. Your feedback has been overwhelming and has compelled me to share this post! . Everyone has different needs when it comes to working out. My aim is to lower my fat levels. For that I people lift heavy but I’m doing a mix of HITT/Tabata/Circuit training for now. It’s hard but it works. It helps build my stamina and endurance big time. Lifting will come later for me. Its gonna take time because fat loss and weight loss are 2 different things. . Now the diet: you can probably tell from my insta stories that I eat a lot so here is what I do: I balance. I count calories. Eat good carbs like brown rice and roasted/steamed veggies. Chicken, fish, eggs and lean meat is a must protein for me coz I don’t do shakes. I snack on blueberries, sugar free/whole wheat cookies, almonds and dark chocolate. I have smoothies once a week. Clear soups with veggies, brown rice and chicken/sea food are filling and yum so I load up on that big time! I make them at home and it’s super easy. Overnight oats are great for breakfast. It’ll keep you fuller and give you energy throughout the day. Again this is what works for me. . I do fall off the wagon coz I love junk food and meetha is my kamzoori, but i dont give up. The most important thing is to have fun! If you cant do gym, get a couple of weights and do it at home. Or walk. The point is to be active and consistent. Remember hard work ALWAYS pays off! . For everyone who has been supporting me and cheering me on, YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST! Thank you! I love you! I’ve had girls telling me I’ve inspired them to hit the gym and work out and that for me is the biggest compliment! To you I say BRAVO! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: if I can do it, so can you! Also apart from shaping up, your skin is gonna look dope! . For the jerks who only run their mouth: your dumbass remarks are a clear indicator of your brain lacking oxygen and you should actually take a walk. Might help improve your common sense 🙂 . PS: Special thanks to my trainer @afitnatic for really pushing me! . #navinwaqar #befit #gymlife #beactive

A post shared by Navin Waqar (@navinwaqarofficial) on

If one cuts down on food intake, the weight you lose will be both muscle and fat. The goal to successful weight loss is to preserve as much muscle as possible, and maybe even gain some, while at the same time lose as much bodyweight as possible. In the long-run, this helps in maintaining your weight.

When it comes to her diet, Waqar believes in balance. But more importantly, it’s what you eat that seems to make all the difference.

She starts the day with overnight soaked oats for energy and proceeds to snack on blueberries, sugar-free/whole wheat cookies, almonds and dark chocolate.

And if that wasn’t enough, her carbs include, “brown rice and roasted/steamed veggies. Chicken, fish, eggs and lean meat, in addition to seafood, is a must protein.”

Waqar says what seems to work best for her is that she “counts her calories.”

With a diet plan that has us salivating at the mouth, who needs to count calories? But one thing’s for sure, Waqar’s focus and consistency, guided by her trainer Ammar Qadir, has not only yielded desired results but has inspired those of us looking to get moving.

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