

I don’t understand why is it so easy to judge someone ? Why is it so important for you to judge someone without even knowing them properly ? It’s like we underestimate no one but by their face and looks etc. For example we look at someone, and if we don’t like them, we start judging them, we start passing comments against them and their looks, personality, character and what not !?  No one can pass judgment on an individual by their excellence and yes this implies on both external looks and outfit or personality. Instead, We should’ve a discussion with them and decide whether they are fortunate or unfortunate. We should never judge anyone specially on the basis of how they look, how they dress up because you never know what they are going through or how difficult their life must be. For example we judge people easily based on their weight, whether if someone’s too healthy, chubby or if someone is too thin and weak. 

I would request you and even myself to “never ever judge a book by it’s cover”. 

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