
Pakistan to welcome Covid-19 testing app.

A Pakistani doctor based out of Toronto has introduced an instant Covid-19 diagnostic test. But here’s the kicker, all that’s needed is a smartphone!
In a video chat with Dr. Naqeeb Khalid who led the development of Covid-19 Smartphone Diagnostic Test as Director of Medical Device Program at the Two-Photon Research Inc. based out of Montreal, the high commissioner said the idea innovative and praiseworthy.
Dr. Naqeeb Khalid further stated that:

clinical trials of the novelty would prove its effectiveness for the Covid-19 test and pave the way for required endorsements before being used at the mass level.

Dr Naqeeb Khalid, a graduate of King Edward Medical University in 1983, before obtaining experience in the development of medical devices and systems, told the high commissioner that his invention was based on a digital platform that presented the result instantaneously on any smartphone and can also communicate or accumulate the results along with time and GPS data.

The smartphone app will be available on the AppStore.

“Instant, accurate and low-cost testing that does not rely on laboratory testing is essential in containing the pandemic and together with vaccines, we can control the Covid-19 outbreak and return our lives and economies to normal,” said Najeeb Khalid.

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