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Why is it always about the children, why don’t we speak about the problems that parents face to raise a child in this difficult era? It’s not an easy task to raise a child with all the privileges. We should speak about the mental stress that mothers go through when their son gets into drugs and the peer pressure that fathers go through when their daughters step out of the house.

Be it a child is welcomed in a mansion or a one-roomed quarter, problems for the parents are never ending and how can we expect that our youth will be clear in their heads when they are raised by parents who are mentally stressed? If we need to help our youth we should take a step forward to help the parents because they are the roots of a family and they should be nourished enough. Parents expect their children to be perfect in all aspects, they want their child to become number one in studies, sports, extracurriculars, and what not but they need to understand that they are not raising robots but human beings, and humans are not meant to be perfect, likewise, children expect their parents to be the Santa Claus in their lives but nevertheless they understand that what hardships parents go through fulfilling the wishes of their children.

From infancy to adulthood, parents face a lot of hardships to raise a child, and what if the child becomes selfish? Let me clear that selfishness doesn’t only mean sending your parents to an old age home but selfishness is when we take our parents for granted when we expect that it’s our parent’s duty to support us mentally and financially, isn’t it our duty to take some responsibilities at a certain age? Don’t you think when we become adults it’s our duty to give our parents some comfort zone and divide the burden?

We need to think over all of this to make this world a better place and a stress-free mind every day because these are the problems that can be solved if parents and children understand their parts and play their roles. No depression and no stress in the family will only bond the families together.

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