
Personal Expense Management

Expense management includes keeping a track of your finances, the money you have gotten and/or spent. It can be difficult for a lot of us as we have never maintained a record of our expenses other than in our bank accounts.

This is a common problem among people of all ages. Whether it be students, teenagers, working professionals or even a retired personnel earning through his pension, the management of finances has always been a pertinent issue. Many of us, after getting our income do not hold a record of the expenditure resulting in poor financial management and later, being unable to recall the expenses where needed.

There are some easy ways to keep a check on all your money matters that can prove to be beneficial for you in the future. By taking smaller steps, one at a time, even the unattainable becomes easier.

To start off, if you do not have a bank account and get paid in cash, always write it with you where you have spent your money. This way, when you reach the end, you will have an account of all your outgoings in hand and it will be way easier to keep a check.

If you are someone who has a bank account, try having a debit and not a credit card. Using your credit card, you will always have a track of where and how much you have spent. At the end of the month, if you want to calculate your expenses, you can always get an official account statement that would have the record of your debit card usuage.

Having cash on you is handy at times but most of us spend that cash recklessly. It is necessary to monitor the expenses in order to be able to make the use of it in the future. It is important to save a small part of your monthly earning for the rainy days. Apart from savings, investing is a smart way that would help your money grow with time. Hence, to be able to work on with your finances the smart way, it is mandatory to keep a check on your expenses, save chunks of your money and to invest in the right place.

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