

What is Sadness and where does it come from ? Sadness means suffering in silence. Many people suffer because they have their heart broken, they have problems at work, they have had a fight with a dear person, they have lost something, or someone. Sadness means sorrow, grief, being upset etc. Sadness is a state of mind that comes and goes as it pleases. Today we can be sad tomorrow we can forget about yesturday. Life is about going through bad and good moments so it`s normal to feel sad sometimes. Sadness can manifest itself through emotions like being angry, stressed out, nervous or just depressed. Depression is a more serious case of sadness. Depression means negative thoughts and lasts for much longer. Many people commit suicide because of depression so, it’s a dangerous disease that can be treated only through therapy. Few people can actually consider themselves to be really happy. Happiness is also a state of mind that can change immediately. Everyone has problems like,  money, work, family problems etc. It’s normal to have some issues because life is made of good things and bad things. People get sad because of many reasons, but it`s a long road from feeling sad to falling into depression.

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