
Self-sustaining lifestyle

Self-sufficiency can be described in two ways. First, self-sufficiency is being able to supply one’s own needs without external assistance. Or, it could also mean, having extreme confidence in one’s own resources.

So as you can tell, this could look different for everyone. It could be someone who lives on a large homestead and grows all of their own food.

Embrace Frugality

Being self-sufficient goes hand in hand with being frugal. You can’t hope for self-sufficiency while still owing everyone and their brother money.

Eat According to the Season

Self-sufficiency also could mean that you get away from the grocery store as much as possible. This means that you grow food as much as you can throughout the year, or at least eat in season so you can buy locally from those that can grow year-round.

Create a Homestead Right Where You Are

It is possible to create some type of homestead right where you are. If you are in an apartment and have a balcony, you can grow something. If you live in the suburbs, there are ways to grow some of your own food.

Live Simply

Living simply is probably one of the most important keys to becoming self-sufficient. The reason is that if you are living simply, then you aren’t going to waste your money on buying all of the latest gadgets. You won’t be eating out all of the time, nor will you be spending big bucks on tons of clothing.

Become an Entrepreneur

Finances are obviously a huge part of self-sufficient living. The reason is that debt is such a huge part of most cultures these days.

Ditch Your Debt

The last tip I have for becoming more self-sufficient is to ditch your debt. You need to work really hard to get out of debt as fast as you can. Debt drags people down, and as long as you owe others money, you’ll never embrace true freedom.

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