Through The Lens


What do you understand by the word ‘Serenity’ ?  It is not a word that we use regularly in our vocabulary. Serenity itself is a beautiful word. Though it’s most basic definition is “calm” or “peaceful”, to me it denotes an extreme calm that is not often achieved. Often I will find myself in a hurry or stressed about something, whether it is school, work, family, friends, or athletics. Complete serenity is what I wish to achieve. Serenity can prevent wars and settle arguments. It can resolve problems and create a better standard for living. If only others would think more about serenity. The word “serenity” even sounds calm, peaceful, and tranquil. If we are able to make ourselves serene, if we can stop long enough to rest and be at peace with ourselves and the world around us . then maybe we can have enough serenity in our lives to accept the things we cannot change simply because we are calm enough to know we really don’t have any other options. When I say The courage to change the things we can, I am not talking about changing others, I am mainly talking about changing myself. Many times we must set boundaries, and in doing so, things change. All we can do is set the boundary and enforce it. 

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