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What do you understand by the word Society ? and why does it matter so much ? See we live in a country where society and its opinion matters a lot. When a child is born till when he’s at his last stage of life, this society never leaves. You have no idea about the pressure of this whole concept of “Log kya kahenge” has on new people specially on new generation. Society’s pressure is so much in Asian families that it feels like a torture. Have you ever heard about this phrase “Log kya kahenge”, it is basically a desi phrase which means “what people will say or think about you”. It is again a very toxic situation. In Asian families, parents are always worried about what people will say about them on every step they take, be it about their personal lives, or relationships or career anything, they just have this life time fear of judgment. Over 70% of Asian people go through depression and fail in their life because of this concept of “Society matters or Society’s opinion first”. We always think “what people will say” rather than doing what we actually desire to do in our lives. A lot of people like us crush their dreams due to the pressure of toxic society.

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