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“Survivor takes the Crown”

Are we so biased? Or is it the game of “Survivor takes the Crown” it’s not about being negative about Malala.

Why can’t they hear the global and Pakistani voice of freeing Dr Aafia Siddique. Who has been kept under prison for over a decade!

Well no one is against or in favour of the concerning topic but it is just to be discussed on an analytical basis as if to be, analyzed or to be resulted.

It’s not about that we don’t want any one to be appreciated. Malala (Born in Swat) The most alarming part is why just 1? It’s obviously a proud moment for every Pakistani to recieve so much respect globally. But really does it change the mind perspective of every American.

Why were’nt people like !!

Dr. Abdul Sattar Edhi & Aitzaz Hassan boy from Hangu who sacrificed his life to prevent Taliban mission of suicide bombing and saved over 2000 innocent students lives why weren’t they appreciated on such a large scale.

A girl who was brought up in Pakistan, got her early education in Pakistan, has a Pakistani Nationality is not being appreciated in her own country (Pakistan) but by the Americans.

After all the respect Pakistan has been receiving globally, on the screens and specially on social media, even after all of that nearly half of the American and European Population still have a perspective about Pakistani people as religious fanatics, Jihadies, terrorist, against appreciating any one specially women.

If that is the case:

Why is it that more then seven women have been given the authority to run the country, in muslims states. As an example, Benazir Bhutto (PM Pakistan)

The school in which Malala Yousufzai use to study in Swat was also getting under the influence of Taliban’s, as there were many threats coming to the School to stop girls coming to school and instead of that they should better stay at home and do work.

The questionable parts is:

Is it easy to get a shot on your head and to get a noble prize for it? Is it Nobel or Noble?

Well who created Taliban?

Is it so easy to just have a beared and wear a shalwar kameez and call your self a muslim is it?

Is it just awards or medals now which is going to create a global awareness & acknowledgement for the help, donation and works of betterment which has been done for humanity.

Why not just without that, why is it that people after death or the survivors are treated as royals of spreading global peace. Why not the people who are sober, down to earth and who have been working for humanitarian causes all there life.

Malala is the youngest person to ever receive a Nobel Peace award (Noble Prize) with a Pakistani representation.

Just by getting an award is it appropriate to call the person as the representative of billions of people of Pakistan. And who can talk on behalf of Pakistan infront of the whole world.

Is it just so simply as it looks like?

If they say that Muslims treat their women dishonour or under torture, so why uptill now more then 7 women have been elected as the head of the states of Islamic countries. Who are they to say or to judge that Muslims do not treat their women with honour.

Why is it that just a few number of people or a certain group represents the masses or a state when this is not applied in other countries so why in Muslim states.

Why can’t we have our own self dignity.

Even after knowing and acknowledging about the teachings of Islam, still the world sees the Muslim states, men and women as the religious lunatics and fanatics why is it so prompting that no matter now much they praise Muslims scholars I women, businessman still they see Muslim people as the most disturbing people, people who doesn’t like to appreciate and specially as religious fanatics.

Why is it that we still can’t get hold of things and stop our minds in thinking negatively and just appreciate with out questioning. Why is it that we have to think a lot about it before accepting it.

It is because through out our life we have been seeing and getting so much perceptual negativity from the world.

If we don’t go much in the past but just 20 – 30 years. Around the 60,70 & 80’s Pakistan was famous globally and was getting a global attention and because of it’s natural beauty and the most beautiful and treasurous geographical location to be blessed with. So what happened after the 90’s. why a sudden drastic change on the global perception about Pakistan.

A Terrorist has :  No nationality – No religion – No language – No sect

The Nobel Award has been awarded to many famous personalities who have worked all there life and after long struggles for peace and prosperity of humanity. Personalities like. Nelson Mandela – John Lennon – George Bush

And the previous 5 consecutive awards have been given to Muslim women.
There are millions of innocent people in Pakistan and other parts of Afghanistan who raise their voice against Taliban’s why they never got acknowledged and by drone attacks on an average basis of per day more than 10 people die every day in North Waziristan.

(not for profit for global Justice, Since 2001)

More these 1,455,590 Iraqis have lost their life.

More then 8100 us and international forces and Military personnel’s have lost their lives.

Cost of War: 1,571,436,269,465

Is this what they call for Global Justice? Is it so called spreading peace by blood shedding.

Shouldn’t they be called as financers of Terrorism they have money to fund war but they cant feed the poor

Malala yousufzai is being presented as the girl who got inspired by Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto.

The girl who has future plans to step in Pakistani Politics in future. Our previous generations and current generations have been running with a slogan called.

G.A Bhutto

So it can be clearly assumed that they are planning to prepare the current and the coming generations to run there voice with a slogan.

G.A. Yousufzai

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