
This ingredient from your kitchen can fix your skin

As the summers come the heat becomes really harsh and results skin related issues like sunburn, sun tan, acne, pimple, spots and other skin infections. in our daily routine it becomes difficult to protect our skin from the heat. this ingredient from your kitchen can easily give you a flawless skin. apple cider vinegar is the ingredient that can be easily found in your kitchen and has many benefits. it contains vitamins mineral slats and enzymes which are beneficial for your skin.

Here is how you can use apple cider vinegar for flawless skin:

Soothe And Exfoliate Skin:

Apple cider vinegar soothes and softens your skin. It has alpha hydroxyl acid which removes the dead skin cells and reveals healthy new skin cells.

How To Use:
Pour some apple cider vinegar in a bowl of warm water
Mix it well and put it in a spray bottle.
Spray it on your face.
Follow this routine to maintain the pH levels of your skin

Prevents Acne And Pimples:

If you are struggling with acne and pimples it can help to prevent them. Due to its antibacterial and anti fungal substance, apple cider vinegar helps in keeping your skin pores bacteria, oil and dust free.

How To Use:
Mix raw and unfiltered apple cider vinegar with filtered water in a bowl.
Soak a cotton ball in the solution and apply it on the affected area.
Leave it for 10 minutes and wash it off with warm water.
Reapply a few times daily for few days to see the result.

Skin Toner:

Apple cider vinegar has astringent properties, which helps in increasing the blood flow to the skin and minimize the pores, a great remedy for the ones with oily skin. It also regulates the pH level of your skin.

How To Use:
Mix apple cider vinegar with filtered water. You may add few drops of essential oil also.
Apply the solution on your skin using cotton ball.
Leave it for few minutes, and then rinse it off with cool water.
You can use it once or twice a day as per your need.

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