

Some people have a habit of maintaining an everyday journal while others like to maintain a to-do list. This journal or list helps them to make everyday notes or remind them of the pending things they have to carry out during their day. Not many have a habit to keep a journal with them.

Maintaining a journal and writing everyday notes might help you unwind. You can write quotes or proverbs or poems or short stories in that journal that would help you in times of discomfort. You can get an easy boost after reading them. The journal can also be used to pen down your very own personal thoughts or how you feel. Sometimes writing down how you feel helps you overcome that particular emotion. If you’re sad or angry and you write about that incident or how you are feeling you would experience that suddenly you are able to overcome that emotion.

Writing has always proven to be helpful in unwinding one’s complex thoughts and has helped overcome the overthinking or feeling guilty process. Not only does maintaining a journal help you come out of trouble in the harsh times but also helps give you an extra push when you look back at everything you have overcome, all the hurdles you have passed in life and all the hardships you have faced. It makes you realize that you have come out stronger than you expected and you should never doubt yourself.

Whether it is to remind yourself of everyday chores or to pen down something you find inspiring, it is high time to start maintaining an everyday journal where you would have little feel better conversations with yourself.

“We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect.”

-Anais Nin

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