
Tiny Hands, Giant Jobs?

Child labor is a very prevalent social issue in Pakistan that is affecting a lot of children all over the country. It essentially refers to depriving children of their rights by giving them employment of any sort which eventually deprives them of going to school and getting an education. This work is more often than not mentally and physically dangerous for the children. It could cause harm to them. In most situations, it is seen that children are separated from their families and are made to go to work so that they can earn menial amounts that would help their families.


The underlying problem in Pakistan that gives rise to child labor is poverty. Statistics show that around 29.5% of the population is Pakistan lives below the poverty line. They find it hard to make both ends meet and that is why they opt to send their young children to work. Whatever little they are able to bring matters a lot to them. In Pakistan, so many young children are made to work at factories, mines, and oil fields and so on so that they can earn for their families. These children are the future of Pakistan. They should essentially be at school, studying and trying to make a future for them like most other kids are. But it is the fact that they are so poverty stricken that their parents are forced to do this. On the inside, who doesn’t want their children to go to school and get an education? Who doesn’t want their children to be able to work hard so that they can get a good job in the future? But it is their circumstances that compel them to do this.


What I feel is the foremost thing that needs to be done in this situation is create awareness around child labor and why it is bad. There should be campaigns that big brands should come up with in such a way that the parents of these young children are made fully aware of why child labor is so bad and why under no circumstances should they have the option to put their child’s safety and risk at stake and send them to only earn a small amount. They need to be given other alternatives as well. On a larger scale, I feel that the government is the one that has to play the major role in this. They should make laws and regulations as such that child labor should be banned. No child under the age of eighteen should be allowed to work at places that put their safety and health at stake. It is only in the governments hand’ since they are the policy makers. They are the ones who can actually bring about a change.


But then many people would question, how exactly a father of eight children would be able to support his family if he’s a daily wage earner earning barely anything that can make his own self sustain, let only his family? This in fact, is a very valid concern. At the end of the day when a man sees that this children are hungry and that he has to feed them and what he earns alone is not enough, the only option that he sees is to send his children to work instead of sending them to school. My solution to this is to come up with a different way of dealing with this. These children should not be sent to work on mines and factors. This is what the government should strictly prohibit. What they should in fact be allowed to do is to make their children work in their schools extra hours and teach those who are weaker than them so that doesn’t put their lives at risk at the very least.


Awareness programs that big companies should do should mostly focus on the importance of how it is essential to protect these young kids and not put their lives in danger. The parents of these young kids should be taught the importance of the lives of these young children so that they don’t continue to out their lives at risk.


Another thing that is interrelated to this is family planning. That is another social issue altogether. But these awareness programs should also teach these people to not have more kids than they can afford to feed. This is the root cause of child labor since it is hunger and survival issues that lead them to sending their children off to work. Only if they are made more aware of what the consequences are, will they try to abide by the rules. If the government takes this into consideration, then the situation can really be made a lot better. Hoping to see a better Pakistan soon!

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