

One thing I have learned about Failures is that, you only become a failure if you have lack of success, or if you intend to become a failure. Failure means someone who lacks success. If someone is bullying you or making fun about you, bullying you to the point you start going in depression and severe anxiety. People will come in your life to bully you, to make you feel like a failure. These kind of people will try their best to make your life miserable if you will give them attention and take their words and taunts to your heart, then you will never be able to succeed in your life. Don’t let any one think that you are a failure, because trust me you are not. Try to be more positive in your life, be more and more productive. Life is all about ups and downs, if you don’t fall off in your life, than how will you be able to pick your self up and win the battles of your life journey ? Focus on your life goals, defeat all the hard battles of your life on your own. Don’t let anyone treat you as a Failure, because YOU ARE NOT A FAILURE!

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