
4th January marks the World Braille Day

January 4 is annually observed as World Braille Day to raise the importance of Braille, which serves as a communication medium for blind and partially sighted people. 4th Jan symbols the birthday of Louis Braille, A French person who innovated the Braille system who was also blind, after facing a car accident at a very young age. Before the existence of the system, the blind and visually impaired people used the Hauy system. The Hauy system was a Latin system that was designed on thick paper or leather.

But this method allowed people to read but not write. The lack of technicality and shortcomings led Braille to develop a user-friendly Braille system. Basically, the system was code consisting of symbols and is written is raised dots. People use it through their touch to recognize the Braille code to continue their communication.

The UN has said, “The pandemic has revealed how critically important it is to produce essential information in accessible formats, including in Braille and audible formats. Otherwise, many persons with disabilities could face a higher risk of contamination due to a lack of access to guidelines and precautions to protect and reduce the spreading of a pandemic. COVID-19 has also emphasized the need to intensify all activities related to digital accessibility to ensure digital inclusion of all people.”

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