

I’m sure most of you all would have heard this as kids from your parents, teachers and doctors to have at least 8 glasses of water every day. It is because most of the healthy people out there can stay hydrated after consuming a certain amount of water per day whereas, for the weaker ones, the same amount of water might not be enough. They would certainly need more than that to keep themselves hydrated.

On an average, an adult male needs around 3.7 liters of water consumption per day while an adult woman needs about 2.7 liters. 8 glasses per day might be too much water for someone and not enough for the others. There are certain conditions in which the need of water increase or decrease, majorly depending on one’s health. In order to avoid dehydration, it is not necessary to follow the 8 glasses of water a day but simply follow your level of thirst.

There are many foods that contain water and might contribute to your body’s daily basis water consumption. Caffeinated beverages and drinks may also contribute to your body’s fluid intake index when consumed in moderation. Similarly, fruits and vegetables with high water content would do the same for you. Watermelon is 91% water whereas eggs contain 76% of water.

Drinking enough water as per your bodily needs might help in weight loss, better physical performance, reduced headache severity, decreased risk of kidney stones and constipation prevention.

The body size and actively level of a person varies from each other. To keep things easy for yourself, drink water when you are thirsty and stop when you are not. However, some people may need a constant reminder to drink water because they can have a reduced sensation of thirst.

Stay Hydrated!

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