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How insulin around the world is becoming unaffordable for patients.

Lifesaving drugs are the last hope for a patient and if they are not available to someone who is suffering, than it’s a horrible thing. Around the world millions of people have type 1 diabetes’s, which mean they have to be dependent on the insulin. When our body is not able to produce insulin, we have to inject it in our body.

Many patients, who are suffering from diabetes, are facing difficulty in purchasing the lifesaving drug. Before insulin was developed diabetes use to be considered as death.

In the last 15 years, prices of insulin have tripled. The only three companies developing insulin decide the price of insulin and its distribution around the world.

Eli Lilly, Novo Nordisk and Sanofi, control more than 90% of the insulin production. These big companies make billions in profit and spend heavily on marketing, but they also roll out money in lobbying politicians. They are not dumb enough to give money to these people without their own interest that is how it works. These companies set prices as per their wish and make it a luxury.

The Washington post reported that, a patient who could not afford the high prices of insulin anymore, switched to a cheaper brand and died from its side effects.  Sadly, there are so many cases like this around the world and people have no other alternative.


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