
Assuring safety during a cyclone

Dos and don’ts

  1. Ignore rumours, stay calm and don’t panic.
  2. Keep your mobile phone charged to ensure connectivity.
  3. Keep your valuables and documents in water-proof containers.
  4. Prepare an emergency kit with essential items for safety and survival.
  5. Ensure you have an ample supply of food, water, first aid kit and medicines.

Fishermen are advised to keep their boats/rafts tied up in a safe place and under no condition should venture out into the sea.


Depending on official advice provided by your local authorities as the event evolves; the following actions may be taken:

  • If requested by local authorities, collect children from school or childcare centre and go home.
  • Park vehicles under solid shelter (hand brake on and in gear).
  • Put wooden or plastic outdoor furniture in your pool or inside with other loose items.
  • Close shutters or board-up or heavily tape all windows. Draw curtains and lock doors.
  • Pack an evacuation kit of warm clothes, essential medications, baby formula, nappies,
    valuables, important papers, photos and mementos in waterproof bags to be taken with
    your emergency kit. Large/heavy valuables could be protected in a strong cupboard.

Remain indoors (with your pets). Stay tuned to your local radio/TV for further information.

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