
Break the silence against “Domestic Violence”

According to a recent study, as every second passes, a woman in Pakistan is going through domestic abuse. Ninety five to ninety eight percent of domestic violence victims are women. One in every six women has experienced domestic violence in her lifetime. Fifty to seventy percent of men who abuse their partners also abuse their children.

Children who witness domestic violence later suffer from lifelong traumatic memories and might turn out to be abusive. Domestic violence crosses over all socio economic levels. It should not be tolerated. If you’re suffering from any kind of abuse, please know that it should not be tolerated no matter what the circumstances are. No one deserves to be mentally or physically tortured. Violence has a huge negative impact on mental and physical health of a person. Many victims stay in their abusive relationships because they do not have other choice and they feel helpless, threatened and isolated. This also happens when an individual is not financially independent. A person should not be dependent on anyone in any aspect so that they stand for themselves. If someone is in an abusive relationship and cannot escape then they should know that they are not alone and help is always available. They must stand up for themselves and speak out instead of suffering from all the abuse.

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