
Break the Non-stop Cycle of Sugar Cravings

Are you someone who has been continuously combating a sweet tooth? Do you feel the urge to eat sugary foods when you are on your journey to avoid it but fail? Felt the need to add an extra spoon of sugar in your tea?

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We all love sweet food. Who doesn’t? However, one can get easily addicted to eating it, and in the long run, this can harm our health. People have found comfort and relief by eating sweet food. Either it’s a celebration or an extremely gloomy day, sugary food is our go-to! Diabetes or not, your health can still get negatively impacted if you consume a lot of sweetness.

It’s okay, my friend because here are three tips that you can keep in mind to break this cycle for once and for all:

Be a detective!

No, by being a detective, I do not mean you have to get out there and investigate murder cases. That has absolutely no relation with your sugar cravings – or does it? You need to go out there and find out what’s this whole craving about. What goes on in your mind when this craving strikes? Is it because you are feeling hungry? Is it because you just smelled something scrumptious or saw a picture of a delicious dish made by your friend? Or does this craving arise because you have a memory related to a particular sugary food? So many non-stop questions, just like your craving. Answer these questions and find the root of your desire.

Sugar for sweet thoughts?

If you have turned to this sweet world because you would rather feed your fears and anxiety sweets and chocolates instead of facing them, then it’s time to stop. If you don’t want to face them, there are better alternatives out there, such as, exercising which is ultimately good for your physical health, having a good sleep, meditating or praying or writing it down. If you feel too lazy about the writing part, then you can always talk to someone but avoid sweet foods at all cost.

Water to the rescue

Calm the fire of your sugar craving by giving it water, and you are good to go! Dehydration is one of the main reason that causes this type of craving. Make sure that you do not stay dehydrated and keep drinking water. Water is good for everything, even your skin then why not?

Follow these tips, and don’t stop trying. You will get there one day. Just remember it’s not about controlling the sugar, it’s about controlling yourself. Good luck with the fight!

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