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Why bullying is a matter of concern? 

Bullying is a serious problem. It is an oppressive behavior which can leave a person scarred for life. When someone bullies a person, they use threatening comments, tease or call names, this is verbal bullying. If the bully is embarrassing a person in public or any kind of way like spreading rumors about them or telling other people not to talk to them, it is social bullying. Beating a person, that is physical bullying. While physical bullying can leave a person injured, social and verbal bullying can make a person mentally ill.

This is a matter of concern. Although it mostly happens in schools and over 3.2 million students are bullied every year. At least half of the deaths among young people are related to bullying. People get bullied for their weight, skin color, for being sensitive. Mostly people who bully try to take power and control over others and it is disturbing.

Bullying has a damaging effect on students. They start to skip school in order to avoid being bullied. Some even stop coming to school altogether. This must stop. It is a very serious issue and we should stand up for people who are bullied.

Another problem that occurs in colleges and universities is ragging. It could be confused with bullying but it is sort of different. However, a concept of ragging is more prominent in south asian countries where freshman students are welcomed by seniors in a very displeasing manner. When they seniors ask the freshman students to do foolish tasks, giving it a name of freedom in order for students to settle down in college. Seniors want to show their privilege to newcomers and then instead of feeling welcomed to the new place, they start to feel intimidated and weak.

Bullying can leave terrifying memories for someone. It can damage their self-esteem. People who get bullied suffer from emotional problems, depression and anxiety. There is an increased risk of suicide as well. People must stop bullying others in order to feel powerful. It can ruin someone’s life. 

If you or someone is getting bullied, try to take action. Speak up, stand for yourself. Do not just let anyone treat you in a bad way. Tell your parents or friends about it. You can prevent it from happening or going any further. 

Also while we are at it, please do not leave hate comments on someone’s pictures, their work they put so much effort into. If you do not like seeing someone instead of filling hateful comments, just do not say anything. It can save someone from damage. Having an opinion is another thing but telling someone they are fat, not good enough or they look bad, anything like this is impolite behavior. Avoid it. 

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