
Copping Up With COVID 19 Anxiety, What if? 

COVID’19 has definitely paralysed the people mentally around the world, since it is declared as Pandemic, many questions start running in our mind. What, why, how, when etc, Over thinking has caused people anxiety around us, people have already started living in delusional state.

There is a major part of known and unknowns in our lives be it humans, feelings, places, names, food and you name it, known are relatively  lighter and easy in our mind but whereas unknown create mysteries, and mysteries arise questions, and questions come from over thinking and over thinking cause-a Anxiety. Everything has its own importance and that importance can be judge by the reaction one make towards something. Speaking of the current situation COVID’19 falls under the category of unknown, so that makes it simple that a lots of question will be coming to its way, will we get sick? Will we lose our jobs? Will a family member end up in hospital? How long will it take to end? What about the to do list and 2020 year resolution?

All these what-ifs tipping on top of each other can be alarming situation for you and might end you up having  panic attacks and anxiety. Karla Ivankovich, PhD, a clinical counselor in private practice and adjunct professor of Counseling Psychology at North Park University in Chicago says “ The fear of the unknown becomes terrifying because no matter how many ways we try to perceive an outcome, we understand there may be so many more scenarios that we couldn’t even consider,”.

In this amidst of COVID’19 when everyone is panicking and rushing to grocery stores to stock up all the stuff, and prominentnewspapers are filled with constant negative headlines, you panic. And it’s called “blind panic” for a reason, he says, you’re not really thinking things through. “Toilet paper became the meme, because it’s ridiculous,”. “It doesn’t make sense. There’s not a shortage of toilet paper.” Basically, you don’t see clearly at all when you’re worrying.


1-Slow down your thoughts.

2-Organzie your day.

3-Reach out others for gut check

4-Stop checking news over and over, Look for positivity and the hidden light.

5-Engage yourself with workout and yoga to relax your mind.

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