
Decisions have to be made!

Every other kid is facing closure of schools yet again. There are so many problems that every household is facing. One month the covid cases go down and life gets back to normal and the other moment everything shuts down as the cases rise.

We need to realize that our kids and youth is wasted. Their knowledge and talent is going to waste rather than getting polished. There are thousands of teachers employed and almost 2 in 3 teachers are technologically challenged. Only those that know how to hold the reins of technology and teach are capable of being a good teacher. This problem prevails in universities too. The professors don’t have a basic know-how of conducting online classes and they fail to deliver their lectures. The test and online quiz all seem to go to waste as the students cheat easily and there is no check and balance.

Often the kids are neglected during this time as the parents are working from home or they are looking after their families or simply relaxing. A few might be involved but then again the way teachers are taking classes isn’t making any sense. They require a proper set of manual and instructions through which they can conduct their lectures fairly and without trouble. Alas, when this matter is solved, the problem of wifi and poor electricity comes in between. All in all the online education system has failed.

This entire process is complex for the parents, students and teachers. We need to cultivate a healthy environment first where everyone can master the art of online education and then we should work towards empowering them to find solutions to  little technical difficulties they face. Rather than taking individual assignments and presentations, divide the kids in groups so they can cater and deliver on time rather than consuming an entire day or two or even more. Kids of grade 2 or below aren’t even capable of sitting at one place at home, how can the school expect them to learn?  They will always remain distracted, they can’t log-in on their own or attend a class. They always need someone to monitor them and the nanny’s / maids can’t do that.

Kids have become lazier and more laid back, the shift to digital education is so new and challenging. Rather than staying on the wrong side we need to create and find resources and equip ourselves with them to empower not only the teachers but students. As online schooling globally has gained momentum we need to focus on ways kids can learn quickly and deeply. A choice has to be made, will it still be struggles, challenges and complains or will it actually be finding solutions and delivering lectures adequately?

If we continue to follow the former than at a point the pupils will be tired and bored. They will find this activity monotonous and will stop learning and so will the teachers. Everyone will just scratch their heads and see this nothing more than a burden.

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