
Driver’s Check? Yes Sir!!

Though the legal age to start driving as per the constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan is when a person reaches 18 years of age but regardless of that we see many underage drivers out on the roads. The age boundary is not because an 18 year old can drive and a 16 year old can not, rather, it involves the skill and maturity when it comes to driving and looking after a vehicle.

Most of the people out there drive but they lack the basic knowledge of driving as well as the knowledge to keep up with the maintenance of their vehicles. If we talk about driving, it would be a really long conversation cum lecture here but there are a few basics that I would like to share with you.

While driving, try to stay in the middle lane and only divert to the right when you have to overtake someone. After overtaking, it is no law that you continue rushing in the right lane, you can revert back to your own. On the sides of your steering wheel either left or right depending on your car and it’s model is the indicator signal lever. It is there to be used while switching lanes so the person coming behind you does not crash into your vehicle. Also, before blindly switching lanes, it is necessary to overlook at your side and rear view mirrors to keep a check on the vehicles nearby. When on a u turn, on a roundabout, a T junction or while reversing always let the vehicle that is coming straight pass prior to rushing yours. The light signals you see on roads; junctions indicate a few things, you have to STOP when the signal is RED, when it turns YELLOW, it does not mean that you can finally rush in at the already moving traffic – let it get cleared while you prepare to move. Finally the most awaited GREEN signal, that is when you may continue your trip without causing harm to anyone else. When you see a car stopped at a red signal, kindly do not honk as the person in front of you might be a responsible driver abiding by the basic rules. The white and yellow stripes on the road highlight the pedestrian crossing, you are not supposed to stop over that but a few steps back so the people who are walking their way are easily able to cross the road. There is no need to keep your headlights high as the person ahead of you might be triggered by them through his rear view mirror and it might affect their vision while driving.

Always keep a check on your vehicle’s maintenance. This may include your car’s battery, oil and coolant levels and change, tire pressure, your vehicle’s radiator and air filter, the gear fluid and your brakes, headlights and signals.

Patience is a virtue not possessed by many while driving, try and it might help you become a better and safer driver for yourself and others.

Safe driving!

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