
How to socialize as an Introvert

Being an introvert is different from being shy. Shyness is a personality quality that can range from mild to severe, and it often causes people to avoid social interactions. Introverts are different because their brains actually respond differently to social situations than extroverts’ brains do. Introverts may feel overstimulated and drained by social interactions, or they may not experience any stimulation from socializing. If you’re an introvert, you might sometimes feel like your personality is incompatible with having a social life. However, you can still have a successful social life as an introvert. By doing a little preparation, equipping yourself with the skills to get through social events, and maintaining your friendships, you can enjoy a healthy social life without having to turn into an extrovert in the process.

Think of some conversation starters. Before you even go out, think up a few topics that you’d be comfortable discussing with other people. Having some conversation topics at hand will boost your confidence, especially if you’re shy.

  • Talking about the weather is always a safe option since everybody deals with the weather on a daily basis. Other good topics of conversation include work, family, and food.
  • Keep your conversation topics light, relatable, and Neutra

Connect on social media. A low-pressure way to break the ice with someone before you meet them in real life is to reach out to them on social media. Try following them on Twitter or adding them on LinkedIn. This way, you won’t be total strangers when you meet face-to-face.

Avoid comparing yourself to extroverts. If you hold extroversion up as the standard of “correct” behavior, you might end up feeling inferior for no good reason. Introversion is neither better nor worse than extroversion – just different. Instead of putting yourself down for being an introvert, focus on your own unique strengths and look for ways to work on your weaknesses.

Ask people about themselves. When you meet someone new, take some of the conversational pressure off yourself by shifting the focus to them. Ask questions about their work, family, or hobbies. Most people love to talk about themselves, and they’ll feel flattered that you want to know more about them.

Check in regularly. Sometimes a little bit of regular contact is all you need to keep a friendship going. Make it a priority to check in with your friends on a regular basis, even if that just means sending them a text or a funny video on Facebook. It’s much easier to maintain a friendship than it is to re-establish it after you haven’t talked for a while.
Take on the role of host. Hosting a get-together or party lets you decide when and where the event happens. It also takes some of the social pressure off your shoulders – instead of sitting and talking, you can stay busy making sure everyone is comfortable and having a good time. Plus, your friends will appreciate your hospitality.
Make time for meaningful conversations. One of the defining qualities of a close friendship is being able to share your personal thoughts and experiences with each other. Having quality conversations with your friends can keep your friendship going strong, even if you don’t spend time together frequently

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