
Is it good showering with cold water?

Cold exposure helps boost metabolism and fat burning, but the effects of a cold shower are minimal. The cold also stimulates you to take deeper breaths, decreasing the level of CO2 throughout the body, helping you concentrate.  A cold shower might help you burn a few more extra calories and keep you more alert, but it is not a long term, effective solution for weight loss. Cold showers wake your body up, inducing a higher state of alertness.  Cold showers thus keep you ready and focused throughout the day.

 When we take a hot shower, our pores open, but cold showers can temporarily tighten them and help you retain the natural oils in your skin and hair. Those prone to dry skin or concerned about dry, brittle hair might consider rinsing off with cold water every so often.

The shock brought by cold water puts your circulatory system into overdrive. Your body increases blood flow to warm your core and protect vital organs. At the same time, it constricts circulation near your skin. This process stimulates blood flow, which – on the whole – is a good thing for your overall health. Even your skin gets clearer and healthier with increased circulation.

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