Shahrukh Khan, the King of Bollywood, recently did a movie after a good time gap from the industry. He recently did Aditya Chopra’s movie “Pathaan”. The film stars Shahrukh Khan, Deepika Padukone and John Abraham, alongside Dimple Kapadia and Ashutosh Rana. It is the fourth instalment in the YRF Spy Universe, and is Khan’s first film as a lead actor since his last movie “Zero” that he did in 2018. Pathaan was released in India on 25 January 2023, coinciding with the Republic Dayweekend in standard formats along with dubbed versions in Telugu and Tamil. It has received positive reviews from critics and broke several box-office records, including the biggest opening day and opening weekend for a Hindi film. Pathaan has continued to create new box office records as it became the fastest film to enter Rs. 300 crore club within four days. This was after Pathaan day 4 box office collection revealed that the film made more than Rs. 55 crore on the fourth day of its release across India. The adjectives fall short to define the euphoria generated by Shah Rukh Khan on January 25, as it’s a full house all across the board despite a massive release on over 5,250 screens.