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Only person to actually storm the gate at Area 51 Raid was a 60-year-old woman

The first annual Area 51 Alienstock is now officially in the books. Area 51 weekend went strong, and there were constant developments rolling in. It turns out that the only person to actually storm the gates near the facility was a 60-year-old woman. In nearby Rachel, Nevada, nearly 800 have visited the gates, but one visitor decided she was going over. She faces a trespassing charge and $1000 for her trouble.

For those unfamiliar with the whole thing, the Storm Area 51 raid started as a joke on Facebook but soon ballooned into a 2 million strong attendee event. It fizzled out in the end, however, with only a few thousand people showing up. Among them were a mere 100 raiders, and the only person to get arrested was the aforementioned, yet-unidentified woman in her 60s.

Earlier last week, before things kicked off, two men had been arrested for trespassing as well after they attempted to storm the facility, so technically grandma makes three, but even her incident is about as boring as it gets. Lincoln County, Nevada sheriff Kerry Lee recounts the attempt as so:

“She told us she was going to trespass. It was something she wanted to do, and she walked across.”

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