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United Nations latest report regarding food supply is alarming! Find out why.

The latest report presented by the United Nations indicates the alarming situation of the food supply. As time is moving forward, things are also changing with time. Our earth is being polluted and we need to take measures to stop the overall factors of global warming.

The research on the report was conducted by 100 scientist and researchers, belonging from 52 different cities. The report was presented on August 8, in Geneva.

The researchers found out that, around 25% to 30% of food is either wasted or lost. After which it contributes to the greenhouse gas emissions. Sadly more than 9% of the human population is undernourished and living a very unhealthy lifestyle.

It was reported that, since 1961, calories consumption have increased by the third capita. The rate at which we are consuming calories is very risky for our health.

Due to excessive cattle demand, the deforestation is increasing. Deforestation is very bad for overall global warming. Over time our meat consumption has also increased drastically, which is resulting in cardiac issues.

The report advice us to eat less meat and not waste food. This is the time we should act responsibly and start taking ownership of things around us.

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