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The virus has taken 117 lives and infects 3186 people in Iran within 24 hours!

President Hassan Rouhani´s political opponents hurled his response to the outbreak, that the confirmed figure of the deaths in Iran due to the virus reached 2,757 on Monday and the number of infections crossed 40,000.!

Islamic Republic countries are badly hit by the pandemic COVID19  which are originated in China.

On Wednesday, Tehran decided to ban all intercity travel until at least April 8, but some in the establishment have argued it is too little, too late.

There is no official lockdown in Iran´s cities although the government has repeatedly urged Iranians to stay home to contain the spread of the virus.

Iran´s judiciary chief Ebrahim Raisi said “Coronavirus could have been more quickly contained if the health ministry´s expert opinion regarding implementing social distancing and social limitations was considered sooner,”


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