Lifestyle Sticky Post 1

Anger ruins everything!

We often see anger as a problem, but I believe anger is a natural emotion. No one becomes angry out of sudden, it stems from feeling hurt, disheartened, ashamed, and dishonored. Then why is it often seen as a problem? Well, anger is an internal experience but expressing it can become an external issue that affects our relationships with others.

This should be kept in mind that holding in anger is worse than letting it out, but this all depends on the way it is expressed. There are always productive and destructive ways to do everything — same goes for expressing anger and other negative emotions.

This one tiny yet intense expression not only ruins your health but also has a great impact on relationships — destroying them to an irreversible point.

Although anger is just one basic human emotion, but the negativity of this expression might become a root cause to a lot of angst and regret, which eventually ruins everything. In that heated moment you might say or do something which is wrong without knowing the extent of regret you will have afterwards. And by the time you realize your mistake its already too late. No matter how desperately you want to revert all the things you said, the hurt you gave to your loved ones, the things you did which you never meant to at first place; but at this point of time you are powerless, you want to undo things but you cant.

You can’t blame others for your anger because only you have the power to ignite it or extinguish it in a better way, so it’s better to calm it down before it ruins your relations.

Here are few tips to cope up with this rage,

Schedule the argument for some other time

In that stormy moment, you might say or do something you will regret. So, it’s better if you reschedule the argument and solve it when you feel emotionally less vulnerable.

Try and understand other’s viewpoint

Always first listen, then think and then speak! Peacefully listening to the other’s viewpoint will give more understandable solutions.

Don’t come up with previous grudges

If you allow anger to crowd out your previous grudges with the person, you will eventually drag the argument in a bad way. So don’t come up with previous “solved” problems!

Be respectful

Always respect the other person or else you will hurt their feelings. Take a break and stop attacking!

Don’t express anything at the expense of your relations!

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