
Parenting style can make or break a person

Have you ever seen someone whose extremely kind and humble and in the first instinct you think wow his/her parents have done his brought up so nicely they surely must be nice people. On the contrary when you witness a person being a brat and unethical the first thing that pops in our mind is what kind of parents must he have! 

Yes to a great extent it’s true that parents influence a child’s personality. Every individual is born with a unique personality and usp of his/her own but the way they have been brought up by their parents play a viral role in their development as a human being. 

Have you ever heard about gentle parenting? well I believe that’s one of the best styles of parenting. Gentle parenting is a parenting approach that encourages a partnership between you and your child to make choices based on an internal willingness instead of external pressures.

Harsh words and loud tone can make a child either timid or rebellious so it’s advisable to create an environment of understanding rather than dictatorship. Create an environment of harmony and love to built in those values and ethics in your child. 

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