

Attorney Sila Mehleen Abbasi filed a petition a few days ago for dog addiction and shooting at home. In Islamabad, stray dogs were brutally killed despite court orders.
Abbasi states, “It is the responsibility of the Wildlife Commission to enforce the provisions of the 1979 Wildlife Ordinance and the 1890 Act to prevent animals from being treated in ways that expose them to unnecessary pain.
At a hearing on Saturday, the court was angry and notified the Chairman of the Wildlife Commission and the CDA.
“The Chairman [Islamabad Wildlife Management Commission] has decided that In this court, the board has developed guidelines to prevent stray dogs from being exposed to unnecessary pain and distress. Authorities must clarify to the Court why they are unable to take legal action against the responsible authorities in violation of the Court’s instructions, “Judge Minara added. Postponed the.
Last year, a court banned stray dog ​​shooting and poisoning in Islamabad and called on the Wildlife Commission to develop a policy on animal castration.

More than 1,000 stray dogs were poisoned after a series of complaints about animals biting women and children, officials said Wednesday. A total of 1,050 dogs were killed in action. It is estimated that an additional 2,000 people will be targeted in the next phase. The city’s judicial chairman, Rehan Hashmi, said authorities were flooded with complaints about stray dogs biting people, and the city lacked funds to house and take dogs in pounds. It was not, suggesting that a disinfection program is needed.
“If we have better resources and options, we want to switch to them,” Hashmi said, adding, “after all, they are living things.”
Animal rights are largely ignored in Pakistan, but a few activists and veterinarians struggle to balance stray dogs with populations that often believe to be unclean for religious reasons. I have. Few non-upper family members keep dogs as pets, but some use dogs to protect their homes. In other words, there is little demand for rescue dogs.

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