
Impact of Covid-19 on Unemployment in Pakistan

Have you ever heard about the concept of ‘Survival of the Fittest?’ This concept is all about those organisms who have best suited genes to the environment for their survival. The world is still facing the corona virus pandemic. Many have lost their lives in battling with the virus but many have survived. The coronavirus is not only the threat for the health of the people but the protection and creations of jobs is the second most challenge caused by the virus. 

Pakistan is known as a developing country and so the Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan, hesitated to take the decision of complete lockdown in Pakistan. As some are enjoying the joy of work from home, social isolation, and social distancing but some are left vulnerable with unemployment. The majority of the workers in Pakistan are the daily wage labourers. The daily wage workers require a place to practice their skills and activities but due to the lockdown across the country, they were unable to do it. The labours who were working in garment or textile industry, were permanently or temporarily suspended from their jobs and their wages were on halt. The same situation was faced by the teachers. Teachers were conducting the online classes from home or from school but many reputable schools were unable to provide the basic salaries to their teachers and many schools have fired the teachers like P.E, arts, music, and library teachers. The pandemic have also affected the students who have been graduated in 2020. Every student aim to work in a reputable company after graduation but the corona virus has shattered the dreams of many graduating students. Many students who’ve graduated from top universities of Pakistan are struggling in securing entry-level positions. Also, many students have faced the issue of suspension of their graduation in 2020. The job market in Pakistan has become hypercompetitive which left the fresh graduates disheartened. Many fresh graduates have to opt for those jobs which do not meet their career aspirations and do not meet their expected salary. Many have quoted as finding a job as a struggle. For example, a student with psychology degree has to do work as an Islamiat teacher. Just imagine a student who was dreaming to secure a job in a reputable organization has to end up being a teacher in a school. This is not only seeing your dreams being on a halt but this is also mentally frustrating. But many sensible people have done this because staying at home and doing nothing is much worse than doing a job which is not meeting their career aspirations. 

There is another side of the story too. There are fresh graduates or post graduates who are trying their best to secure a job in a prestigious organization or meet their expected salaries. Side by side they are giving tuitions to students who are preparing for their O and A’ Levels exams or Matric or Intermediate exams. Many are working as content writers or have started their small home-based businesses. All are trying to survive in this pandemic some are dealing by going with the flow and some are finding the alternative ways to meet their daily needs.

The darkness that the coronavirus has created in everyone’s life seems as if we’re stuck in it and there is no way of going out or navigate it. The waves after waves of coronavirus are occurring. This doesn’t mean that we’re stuck in it. Nothing is permanent and every single experience endure its own rebirth. Though we don’t have a control over this pandemic but we’re not stranded anymore. We always have two choices when we’re trapped in darkness; first to see the darkness only and second, to hope that the light will come anytime. And, when we look only towards the light to come so this strengthen our faith that we will soon pass this difficult situation soon. Facing the difficult circumstances is the best way to deal with it instead of having an escaping or avoidant behaviour towards it. We only have to focus on the little progress we’re making in this adverse situation and surely, there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. 

Written by Muhammad Owais Farooqui

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